Ich musste heute auf Sonntag arbeiten, die Leute in der Klinik haben leider auch am Wochenende Hunger. Wenigstens waren die Straßen leer, so dass ich einige Techniken des sogenannten "Hypermilings" anwenden konnte.
Auf der englischen Wikipedia heißt es:
"Hypermiling is the act of driving using techniques that maximize fuel economy. Those who practice these techniques are referred to as "hypermilers."
Hypermiling is defined by the New Oxford American Dictionary as the attempt to maximize gas mileage by making fuel-conserving adjustments to one's vehicle and one's driving techniques.[1]
Hypermiling, which can be practiced in any vehicle regardless of its fuel economy, has gained in popularity as a result of the rise in gasoline prices during the 2000s.[3] While common techniques can be carried out by average motorists making minor changes in their driving habits, many hypermilers use more advanced techniques, some of which are illegal in most if not all jurisdictions."Und dann bei den Techniken steht:
Generally, the recommended way to hypermile is using only the common techniques. However, extreme hypermilers have been known to use controversial and illegal techniques:
- drafting behind trucks, decreasing awareness of the road ahead and increasing the possibility of a rear-end collision [wenn man nich grad auf 2m auffährt..^^]
- driving far below the speed limit at times, disrupting the normal flow of traffic [also ich fahr mit 80 über die B9]
- taking sharp curves at high speeds to avoid losing energy to braking [...jo! :D]
- coasting with the engine off, with the resulting loss of power steering and power brakes [Servo hatta eh nich.. und Bremskraftverstärker sind überbewertet! Ne im Ernst, wenn ich rollen lasse, dann nur mit Gang raus aber Motor an]
- passing or rolling through red lights or stop signs in areas of low traffic [also bei orange noch drüberfahren oder an nem Stopschild nicht auf 0 km/h abbremsen, wenn man 2km sehen kann und keiner kommt... - ist hochgradig gefährlich!!!]
- over-inflating tires to reduce rolling resistance, sometimes to twice the manufacturer's specifications or more [joa meine Reifen sind schon gut aufgepumpt :D aber auch nicht extrem.]
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